Are Wholefoods, Starbucks and Uber FOLDing? Luno News RoundUp S1E12

Before we jump into what’s been another whirlwind week in the crypto world, we’d like to thank all of our readers and viewers who’ve joined us on our Luno RoundUp journey as we say a bittersweet goodbye to season one!
Now we’ve got the sappy stuff out the way, let’s get right to it.
Mainstreamers pave the way for BTC
What do Amazon, Wholefoods, Starbucks, Home Depot and Uber have in common? They’re Folding! But not in the way you think… They’re joining other major names on the payment platform, Fold, where clients will be able to use the Lightning Network to pay for goods and services using Bitcoin.
The battle against big tech
Staying stateside, a draft discussion bill is doing the rounds with the House Financial Services Committee staff which has the potential to impact Facebook’s congressional hearing this week. The bill, titled “Keep Big Tech Out of Finance” sets to prevent tech behemoths from becoming financial institutions, and raises an interesting school of thought on the roles fulfilled by non-governmental institutions. We can’t say we’re too surprised, but we’ll be keeping an eye on this as more developments come to light.
Room to play for institutional investors
Blockchain Capital, along with global payments company, Visa, have led a funding round for Anchorage, a company providing crypto custody services for institutional investors. Other investors have also participated, leading the company to a total of $57 million in funding since 2017. This is more great news for institutional investors looking to enter the market.
ETH/ZAR – a match made in heaven
This one’s for our South African customers: It’s time to celebrate! We’ve launched our Ethereum/Rand pair meaning you can now buy Ethereum using Rands on the Luno Exchange. What does this mean for you? You can save time and money next time you buy or sell Ethereum, plus we’ve given you the freedom to choose your preferred method. For more on this, check out our Ethereum/Rand exchange pair announcement.
Not the time to shine if you want to mine
Right now might be a tough time to pursue your Bitcoin mining career. recorded its largest two-week increase in mining difficulty in the past 12 months. Essentially, Bitcoin mining difficulty is a measure of how hard it is to compete for mining rewards.
The difficulty reached 9.06 trillion earlier this month, surpassing the previous record of 7.93 trillion. This strong growth is a sign that competition amongst miners is not only escalating, but doing so at an accelerated rate.
Word on the Tweet
Who said what on crypto Twitter this week?
Donald Tr*mp weighed in with his thoughts on everything that’s “not money”, aka cryptocurrencies. While we could spend time breaking down and debunking some of his hostile sentiments, we thought we’d let the responses to his tweets take the lead on this. If you haven’t got your teapot on, we’d suggest you do so immediately.
I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019
If your argument is that Bitcoin is based on thin air, while Bitcoin’s argument is that it is based on math, who should we believe?
Asking for a friend 🙂
— Pomp ? (@APompliano) July 12, 2019
Untraceable, physical cash is the best tool for facilitating drug trades and unlawful activities, not a public ledger that records the history of every transaction ever made.
— Bitcoin Magazine (@BitcoinMagazine) July 12, 2019
Donald Trump’s tweet ____ Bitcoin.
— Bitcoin Magazine (@BitcoinMagazine) July 12, 2019
You are wrong about this.
Bitcoin is free speech money.
— (@getongab) July 12, 2019
“Bitcoin is underpinned by math and cryptography. Like gravity, it works, whether you believe in it or not.” – @winklevoss
— Gemini (@Gemini) July 12, 2019
Are you saying the US dollar doesn’t facilitate unlawful behavior including drug trade and other illegal activities?
— Grypto The Dog (@GryptoTheDog) July 12, 2019
Mr. President, you are misled by fake news. #Bitcoin & #Blockchain happens to be the best chance for US! I’d love to invite you to have lunch with crypto leaders along with @WarrenBuffett on July 25. I guarantee you after this lunch, nobody will know crypto more than you!
— Justin Sun (@justinsuntron) July 12, 2019
Well, that’s how you lose the libertarians.
— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) July 12, 2019
If you still had any
— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) July 12, 2019
Narrator: He did not.
— Aaron et politica ingenio ?? (@peekaso) July 12, 2019
Alternative take:
— Saifedean Ammous (@saifedean) July 12, 2019
Come join us:
— ? ?????????????? ? (@StopAndDecrypt) July 12, 2019
— The Crypto Dog? (@TheCryptoDog) July 12, 2019
A software engineer takes us back to the future with this amazing discovery. Ken Shirriff reverse-engineered a 52-year-old guidance computer used on the Apollo missions during the famous NASA space program, which includes the first moon landing. Why? To mine Bitcoin, of course! Unfortunately, the computer was so slow, it’d take about a billion times the age of the universe to mine just one Bitcoin block.
The Apollo Guidance Computer navigated to the moon, but can it mine Bitcoin? I tried it on our working AGC; at 10.3 seconds per hash, it would take a billion times the age of the universe to mine a block. Still faster than mining by hand or punch cards.
— Ken Shirriff (@kenshirriff) July 8, 2019
Crypto’s best boi has done the math for us. We won’t be betting against Bitcoin either, will you?
21,000,000 ÷ 7,500,000,000 = 0.0028
I wouldn’t bet against #Bitcoin
— The Crypto Dog? (@TheCryptoDog) July 11, 2019
Hmm, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ’em, Peter? What do you think Peter Schiff should do with his BTC? Let us know on Twitter.
I have been gifted $2,800 worth of Bitcoin. Thanks to all for your generosity. What should I do with my stash? 1. Use it now to buy 24 Karat gold jewelry at for my wife. 2. Ignore the FUD and HODL until Bitcoin moons and buy a Lambo for myself.
— Peter Schiff (@PeterSchiff) July 10, 2019
Rhythm trader, you speak the truth. Don’t be that person who wished they had bought sooner.
Bitcoin has been profitable 3777 days out of 3,837 days since creation (98.4%).
You should have bought Bitcoin yesterday, and there is no better time to buy than now.
The numbers are stacked in your favor.
It’s only a matter of time until you wish you bought Bitcoin yesterday.
— Rhythm (@Rhythmtrader) July 9, 2019
That’s a wrap! Once again, thank you to our #LunoTV supporters, and to our team who’ve worked hard to bring you the best and latest crypto news every time. While we take a break, look out for season 2 of our Learn with Luno videos. Until next time!