Half of all Bitcoin wallets hold between 10,000 and 100k satoshis


Half of all Bitcoin wallets in existence hold between 0.0001 and 0.01 Bitcoin, according to data by Bitinfocharts


This shows again that the majority of investors choose to invest in Bitcoin by a process called stacking sats, short for satoshis, which are to Bitcoin what cents are to the Dollar. There are 100 million satoshis in 1 Bitcoin 

What next 

The notion that investors can, and do, only buy Bitcoin in large amounts is conclusively false

The story 

Wallets holding between 0.0001 (10,000 satoshis) and 0.001 (100,000 satoshis) account for roughly 24% of all Bitcoin wallets. At the other end of the scale, wallets containing between 1,000 and 10,000 Bitcoins only account for 0.01%. 

It’s not surprising that wallets owned by exchanges top out the Bitcoin Rich List, published by Bitinfocharts, but data from the same list shows that the lion’s share of Bitcoin wallets, about 34.69 million, hold between $1 and $100 in Bitcoin. There are only 4,791 wallets that own more than $10,000 in Bitcoin. 

The data shows that the top-ranked wallet, belonging to an exchange, owns more than 1% of all Bitcoin mined.

Want to learn more about the workings of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? Visit the Luno learning portal.

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