KPMG to invest $30m in Web3 employee training

KPMG has revealed the opening of its first metaverse collaboration hub to help develop its employees and clients to pursue growth opportunities in the space
The firm will make a collective $30 million investment this year in Web3 experiences, with the metaverse hub as the “signature piece.”
What next
This investment is part of a long-term objective for the company to examine other potential metaverse use cases such as health care, consumer, retail, media and financial services
The story
US accounting firm KPMG has taken its first steps into the metaverse with a $30 million investment in an employee training and collaboration hub that will connect employees, clients and others with Web3.
According to a report by Fortune, the hub will be focused on education, collaboration, training, events and workshops with Cliff Justice, KPMG US leader of enterprise innovation.
Expanding on the role of the metaverse, Laura Newinski, deputy chair and chief operating officer at KPMG in the US said it is a “market opportunity, a way to re-engage talent, and a path to connect people across the globe through a new collaborative experience.”
The long-term objective for the company is to examine other potential metaverse use cases such as health care, consumer, retail, media and financial services.
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