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Teaching kids about Bitcoin and life

Let’s be honest, we’ve all googled “please explain this crypto concept to me as if I were a 5-year-old.” So, how does one communicate this to actual little children?

· 4 minute read

Why schedule your cryptocurrency investments?

Scheduling cryptocurrency purchases at regular intervals is a great way to mitigate risk and earn profits over time, eliminating the stress of trying to buy crypto at its highest or lowest price.

· 3 minute read

Multisig and monosig: a quick rundown

When you send bitcoin, you aren’t really moving it between addresses. The bitcoin is essentially stored in a digital vault where it stays regardless of the owner. When you send bitcoin, what you’re actually doing is changing the locks to fit the recipient(s)’s key rather than your own.

· 2 minute read

Does bitcoin need an Oprah?

So, Warren Buffet mumbles something about Bitcoin being rat poison and the world says, “Sure, grandpa, you just go about making your billions the old-fashioned way and leave the modern stuff to us.” Fair enough. Buffet’s pretty good at making billions the old-fashioned way. He’s also good at looking and sounding like a sweet, old grandpa.

· 5 minute read