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Introduction to cryptocurrency

  • What is a soft fork?

    We all go through the process of downloading and installing updates to our phones or laptops. Cryptocurrency also relies on similar updates and upgrades to improve its efficiency. However, while it may take just a few clicks or taps of…

    1 minute read
  • What is a mining pool?

    The more active miners there are on a blockchain, the harder the mining process is, with fewer rewards given each time a new block is mined. Mining pools were created in order to deal more effectively with the increasing difficulty…

    1 minute read
  • What is a testnet?

    In blockchain technology, a testnet is designed to test different improvements in the blockchain without the risk of causing any problems with the network. It can also act as an environment where dapp developers can test their decentralised applications. With…

    1 minute read
  • What is a mainnet?

    yet up and running. It is used by programmers and developers to test out new features or search for problems in their application or blockchain network. 

    1 minute read
  • What is DeFi?

    Instead of your local bank holding your money, restricting who you can and can’t transfer it to and charging you fees for using their services, in a decentralised environment, you hold your funds in a secure digital wallet and can send money from anywhere in the world to anyone in the world almost instantly, just by having access to an internet connection. 

    1 minute read
  • What is a Dapp?

    Decentralised applications (Dapps) are just like the applications you use everyday on your smartphone. However, in the context of cryptocurrencies, instead of a mobile phone, these Dapps run on a blockchain network in a public, open-source and decentralised environment. 

    1 minute read